WelcomeVisitor Information

Wimborne Minster and the Wimborne Villages - Active Christian congregations worshipping in historic buildings set at the heart of our communities.

For over 1300 years Wimborne Minster has been a living centre for pilgrimage, prayer, mission and worship. In 2015, we joined with the villages to the north of the town - Holt, Hinton Martell, Horton, Chalbury and Witchampton. As from 1st July 2020 the benefice will be known as Wimborne Minster and the Wimborne Villages. The church of St James’ Holt has been closed for worship and all the villages have come together into one parish to continue the worship and work of God, and together we extend a warm and inclusive welcome to all who come through our doors. In our buildings you will find history and some significant treasures, but more than anything, they are places where people have gathered and encountered something of God's love; places (to quote T S Eliot) "where prayer has been valid". We hope you will come and discover that truth for yourself.

Safeguarding Down Arrow

Wimborne Minster and the Wimborne Villages Benefice takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and works in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times. Our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded [here] or you can read the Church of England Safeguarding handbook. For Villages' Safeguarding see individual Churches' pages.
If you have any Safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, on 01202 848921 email safeguardingofficer@wimborneminster.org.uk
Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser through Safeguarding — Diocese of Salisbury (anglican.org) or safeguarding@salisbury.anglican.org

Safeguarding Officer Jane Davidson  Safeguarding Officer Diedre Ashton
Safeguarding Officer Jane Davidson              Safeguarding Officer Diedre Ashton

Weddings & Bookings Weekly News Village News Parish Magazine Donate Now


Job Opening for Verger, Job Description here


Minster Wedding Fayre, March 1


Many services are broadcast live on both Zoom and YouTube. (There are many recordings available). For information on Minster and Village services and how the services can be joined click on these links.



Daily Hope phone line

Church of England Daily Prayer

Friends of Wimborne Minster Events Update

Christian Aid Local News

The Minster Environmental Group has published an Environmental Policy which has been adopted by the PCC.

A document about Thomas Hardy in Wimborne has been added to the website also accessible through the History Menu tab


Click on Donate Now Button. "Parish Giving Scheme"
"Standing Order"
"Make a One Off Donation"
Or use the QR code

Forthcoming Events

Minster Calendar Link

Villages Calendar Link

Next Sunday

16th February 2025
8.00amHoly Communion (BCP)
9.30amParish Eucharist
11.15amMinster Praise
6.30pmChoral Evensong

Village Services

Sunday 16th February
9:00amHorton - breakfast church
9:15amShapwick Holy Communion Revd Sharon
10:00amWitchampton Holy Communion Revd Belinda
Morning Prayers 8.30am Morning Prayers every Wednesday and Friday at Hinton Martell Church - All are welcome