Sunday School
At the 9.45 Eucharist, Sunday School children leave to have their own story and activities in Church House, and return for a blessing at Communion.
Where does that colourful windmill lead all the children at the beginning of the service? Off to a world of investigation, creativity and discovery. In Church House, the children enjoy drinks and snacks while listening to stories, old, new, and often topical. There might even be a play or events to act out. Recently, we also went out to explore the Minster’s garden, God’s Acre. The children are encouraged to contribute and question and we adults do our best to answer some quite profound queries.
Following a few moments of quiet and a prayer, it’s off to the craft table. It is amazing what some glitter, a glue stick, a couple of pens, a few toilet rolls and a bit of imagination can create! Not only do the children enjoy creating and showing their achievements, they can take them home for display on the fridge or in their bedrooms as a reminder of their Sunday morning.
All children of any age are very welcome. There is no need to worry about making too much noise or not sitting still, in fact it is positively encouraged. Any questions, please just ask – we are the noisy ones in the children’s corner, the excited ones receiving a blessing or the proud ones showing what we have learned and made at the end of the service.
The picture shows an altar frontal for Mothering Sunday, made by Sunday School.
For more information please contact us.