Witchampton Village Facilities and Groups

Village Facilities

Witchampton First School

Witchampton First School has an Outstanding OFSTED report and provides not only a safe secure, and welcoming environment for children to learn, but also an inspiring and fulfilling surroundings which allows each and every child to reach their learning potential. This Church of England VA First school is closely affiliated to the Church and also boasts an outstanding SIAMS Inspection. The school takes children from 4 years (reception) until 9 years (year 4). Children can then attend a middle school in either Cranborne or Wimborne (school transport is available). Head of School is Mrs. Cathie Bolton 01258 840684, http://www.witchampton.dorset.sch.uk

Little Owls Pre-School

Little Owls is a small, friendly, rural pre-school with a highly qualified and motivated team of staff who provide an exceptional level of care. This lovely pre-school has just been awarded Forest School status and caters for children from 2-5 years. Little Owls is based in the Methodist Church Hall. The manager is Jazmine Walker on 01258 840042, http://www.little-owls.org

Witchampton and Crichel Club

This thriving Social Club is situated at Ivy House, built in 1570, in the heart of the village and members can drop in any evening and from midday at weekends for a drink. A roast is available on Sunday’s, plus Wednesday evening provides tasty fish and chip suppers. There is often organised entertainment, including live music, race nights and quizzes. Throughout the year other events take place such as the Tractor Rally, a ride through local woods and by ways in May. Apple pressing in October and the famous Witchampton Box Car Derby on Boxing Day.

The club is available to hire for private parties. Contact Hayley West on 01258 840202, https://www.facebook.com/Witchampton-Club-118070868266608/

Witchampton Community Shop

There is a small but well stocked village shop, run by volunteers from the community. This is situated at the car park entrance to the club. It's open 9.00am - 12.00 noon Monday to Saturday and until 11.00am on Sunday's and bank holidays. In term time it is open in the afternoon from 3pm until 4pm. The volunteer committee are responsible for managing and organising the business assisted by a team of volunteers who serve in the shop. Contact Lynne Frost 01258 841097

To support the shop, there are regular coffee mornings on the first Saturday of the month held in the function room adjacent to the shop. According to the season, there are usually preserves such as chutneys, marmalades and jams, savory and sweet baking and a good range of plants available to buy at very reasonable prices.

Witchampton Garage and Service Station

The garage is situated on Lawrence Lane and provides an excellent service, repairs, MOT’s, tyres, and fuel. Contact Larry on 01258 840222

Witchampton Village Hall

The Village Hall, which is adjacent to the Church, a an excellent village facility. It is at the centre of many village activities including: Karate on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; Bingo every Friday evening at 7.30pm, and is available for hiring out for functions.
Contact Pam Carden on 01258 840459

Sports Club

The Sport’s Club is located half way to Newtown and has a pavilion with a bar. Sports facilities include a Football Club and a Cricket Club, a very large flat field. Co-located with pavilion is a fantastic Play Area for families. There is ample parking and lots of lovely walks from the area.

Rifle Range

A well supported rifle range is located next to the Scout Hut.

Witchampton Play Park

A Play Park has recently been built in the Village and is located at the Sport’s Pavilion. It is a fantastic facility for families and is open daily for public use.

Activities and Events

There are numerous activities and clubs which take place in the village, the Parish newsletter is delivered to all residents every 2 months which details dates of church services, events at Witchampton club and other interesting and useful information.

Beavers and Cubs

The well attended and very popular Beavers and Cubs meet weekly in the Scout Hut at the entrance to the sports ground in Newtown, Cubs on Mondays at 6-7.30pm, and Beavers on Thursdays at 5.15-6.30pm.

The leaders are: Beavers - Sue Rose, Sue Vaughn and Audrey Hayter; Cubs - Michele

Bell Ringers

The Church in Witchampton has a fine ring of 6 bells and there is a bell ringing group in the village, which at this time, need people to take up this traditional hobby. Practice night is Wednesday at 7.30pm. Contact Sue Rose 01258 840395.

Gardens Open

This wonderful community event takes places every 2 years and is the result of much hard work from the participating villagers. Between 16 and 20 stunning gardens are open to the general public throughout the whole village, tractor rides are laid on to reach the gardens which re further afield, the Club opens and generally provides entertainment, plus other organisations such as the WI open stalls providing refreshments, ice-creams and art displays. All proceeds go to the Church and various village organisations.

The Village Fete

This quintessentially English village fete takes place each year and for the last 28 years has been held in the beautiful gardens of John and Jennie Raymond, who have worked extremely hard in hosting the event to make it the huge success it is today. There are various stalls: a raffle, tombola, bric a brac, fun dog show, performances from the village ukulele band, various refreshments including cream teas, fun games for the children, and a hot dog stand. Something for all the family. Next year the fete will be held in the field adjacent to the abbey ruins.

Bible Study Group

Contact Lesley Searle : 01258 840681

The Mobile Library

The library arrives in the village at 3.30pm on alternative Tuesdays.