Worship at Wimborne Minster

We offer a range of services at the Minster including:

On Sundays

8am Holy Communion (BCP) – a said, reflective service using traditional language, including a short homily

9.30am Parish Eucharist (CW1) – a modern language service with the Minster Choir singing a choral setting, with sermon (on YouTube).

11.15 Minster Praise – a relaxed, inter-active service with contemporary music and a worship band

6.30pm Evensong/Evening Prayer – a traditional language service (choral during term-time) for the evening. From time to time, this service is replaced by a more creative act of worship in a contemporary style (see website for details)

On Weekdays

Morning Prayer is said on Monday - Friday at 8.30am (on zoom)

Wednesday 11.00am Holy Communion in The Minster

Please continue to follow possible changes and updates on the church website and in the weekly newsletter. 

LIve Service Link
The words of the Readings and Prayers for the Sunday 9.30 service can be found in this link.

There is no printed order of service for Minster Praise. All you need will be on the screen.

Children's Resources

It is possible to join the Zoom services through the telephone number 0203 481 5240. Enter the meeting number (883 2976 1518) and follow the instructions. (You will need to use # key)

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