In the Wimborne Villages
Our churches are open for Sunday worship, so do come and join us.
Morning Prayer is also now being held at 8.30am at Hinton Martell Church every Wednesday and Friday. All are welcome! We use the Church of England Morning Prayer liturgy with a reflection to listen to, to give us food for thought for the day ahead.
Sunday Services monthly pattern:-
1st Sunday of the Month
10 am Horton Church Parish Communion
2nd Sunday of the Month
9.15 am Kington Lacy Church Parish Communion
10 am Hinton Martel Church Parish Communion
3rd Sunday of the Month
9 am Breakfast Church at Horton & Chalbury
9.15 am Shapwick Church Parish Communion
10 am Witchampton Church Parish Communion
4th Sunday of the Month
9.15 am Family Service at Kingston Lacy
10 am Chalbury Church Parish Communion
5th Sunday of the Month
9.30 am Benefice Service in the Minster.